Sustainable Life

Ideas for sustaining the quality of life and life itself on the earth. Returning to a true natural state is the best medicine for keeping all life on earth healthy and happy. Today you can do something to reduce waste and environmentally destructive practices.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Biodiesel Success Story

A friend of mine recently passed along information on a sustainably run farm in Napa Valley that now uses biodiesel in their farm machinery. Click here for the story.

With oil now closing in on $70 a barrel we had better start cutting over to this stuff. This should of course be in addition to cutting consumption where possible since resources are required to produce biodiesel. Better for the environment and reduced dependency on imports has my vote every time. Other concerns may be turmoil and terrorism in the Middle East, Venezula inking an oil deal with China, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico hurricanes from global warming (today many prayers are in the air for New Orleans), etc.

There are now even hybrid diesel vehicles coming to market. Here is one story on such Dodge Rams. Imagine using biodiesel in such a hybrid! Lets get our production of biodiesel going and we will have a whole new industry growing up in the U.S.A. Fantastic for the local economy!

A better world is possible.


Monday, August 22, 2005

The Seven Deadly Sins

Main Entry: greed
Pronunciation: 'grEd
Function: noun
Etymology: back-formation from greedy
: excessive or reprehensible acquisitiveness : AVARICE

That was M-W's definition.
Rob's definition: knowingly harming others (people, species, environments) for personal gain.

Ergo the linkable greed sin:
Pride, Greed, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth

Alas it is only one symptom of so many. The good news is that lots of people care and take action. So if you care - be one of action. And don't kill for fashion or profiteering!

Today I am going to write my governor on a slightly different topic: why the highway patrol cannot or will not enforce anything close to a speed limit in some areas.
Traffic was jammed up on I-80 in Fairfield last Saturday due to an accident. We had seen maniacs weaving across lanes of traffic doing about 15 over the speed limit less than 30 minutes prior. It could have been the same lunatic trying to shave 25 seconds off of his arrival time at the McDonalds drive-thru window. Will they ever learn? It sometimes seems as though America's highways are turning into one big NASCAR video game.

I urge you to write your "governors" today to ask for better mass transportation and more highway law enforcement. Unless you are one of those whacked out speed freaks - then maybe you'd better not. But get in a crash at 80 and expect the worst. Drive the speed limit and save yourself and others injury, insurance bills, AND fuel.

Trying harder today than yesterday,

Friday, August 19, 2005

Its OK to Recycle and Stop Waste

Here is a great recycling resource website: Earth911
It is searchable for local recycling services by zip code.

Its very good to get in the habit of picking up recyclable containers lying around your neighborhood and place them in the correct bin for recycling.

I was reading recently that aluminum (including clean foil) and glass can be very easily recycled for reuse. Plastic, I read, on the other hand is less recyclable and must be used for other purposes after recycling. When flying home I happened to notice all the quarries they have going in Southern Ontario, Canada. Do we really want that much mining going down on our planet?

Paper is another good one for reprocess and reuse but only if its clean. If paper has non-toxic damage - such as a cheesy pizza box - then composte it. Another landfill operation prevented.
And recycling clean paper will reduce clear-cutting forests for pulp. Stopping junk mail is another productive step in that direction. When recycling junk mail it is best to tear out plastic envelope windows leaving only the paper to recycle. These plastic windows apparently degrade the paper for the recyclers. But it is best to stop the mail in the first place...
Click here for good tips for reducing junk mail

Keep the earth green. Reduce consumption.


Saturday, August 13, 2005

Die Me Green

Great news! No need to toxicify the ground and waste tons of resources when we die. A green burial is the way I want to go. I had been thinking along these lines well before we saw Nate bury his ex au naturel and then the same for himself.
I was quite richly enheartened when my mom recently showed me an article from one of the 2004 issues of the AARP magazine about a doctor in South Carolina starting up an organization to perform such services. Today in the NY Times there was a front page story on an organization here on the west coast called Forever Fernwood. Click here for story.
Embalming and ridiculous impenetrable caskets are not necessary. But it means - quick! - put me in the ground when I die. Ahhhh - much better. I think that whole process has always been my biggest fear of death. Why pump my body full of stinky formaldehyde? With a green funeral there's no need.
Hopefully its a good deal down the road of life but I plan be ready and specify it in my will. Then there is no question. Go green - literally.
Meanwhile - to quote Mr. Spock - live long and prosper.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Deck Builders - Save Wood and Maintenance

Have you ever heard of a fabricated lumber product called Trex?
We built our exterior stairs and deck with it and what brilliant stuff!
Not only does it look great but it is said to be extremely durable AND is maintenance free!

Check it out here: Trex product home page

Often people use redwood for their decks but there are downsides:
  • Redwood exposed to elements transforms in about 2 years from the beautiful wood you first install to a drab gray. So what you see first is not what you get later.
  • You need to treat it about every year to preserve it from rotting. This will be true of any natural wood you may use.
  • Perhaps most important, redwood is becoming scarcer as ancient redwood forests are still being cut. When clearcutting occurs - entire ecosystems are compromised or destroyed.
Trex on the other hand has serious advantages:
  • Made with recycled materials - plastics combined with wood fiber.
  • Very durable
  • Maintenance free
Our contractor said Trex was very easy to work with. So please do consider it for your next building project.

Saving trees one blog at a time :-)

Monday, August 01, 2005

Connecting Dots

Besides those with Kevin Bacon, interrelationships abound.

Connect the following dots:

This (1)
Trade deficit table

This (2)
Oil and US equities prices

This (3)
Santa Clara CA Solar Contractor
(with interesting environmental statistics)

This (4)
Electric Vehicle Resources

Utopian direction IS possible. Meanwhile, enjoy organic produce today. Don't fear a few insects.