It certainly has been awhile since I posted something of my view on sustainability. I noticed a news item in the New York Times business section (link) yesterday regarding the approval by our federal government for a large chemical concern to move forward with its genetically modified corn that will resist a powerful herbicide - more powerful than Roundup (which is now resisted by the wild weeds its supposed to be killing). Pretty frightening. Reportedly some of the ingredients in the new compound that said GMO is designed to resist were applied in Agent Orange - the human-body-destroying defoliant used during the Viet Nam war to remove jungles. (See )
According to the story someone claimed that they will use non-harmful components of the horrid chemical. Yeah right. I suppose if you believed horrors of Iraqi WMD you believe this positively Pollyannish spin.
Gee I dont know but for my money I would rather not be consuming ANY part of Agent Orange nor have cattle eat the substance that will fill their cellular structures either.
And by the way, there goes more "clean" water. The article mentions they have inventive chemical ways of avoiding "drift" from spraying the toxic garbage but what happens to the water supply???
What about you - Got Agent Orange in your diet or tap water???
Its a total disconnect in a nation where millions march for breast cancer every year or post to social media buckets of ice water being dumped on their heads for some other health cause and accepting this as food production practice.
My best advice: insist on eating LOCAL, CERTIFIED ORGANIC and in season whenever and wherever possible. Or learn how to grow your own.
And when somebody says "Well theres just no other way to feed the masses" ask them "What are they eating?". In fact what they will be eating tomorrow is going to apparently look very different from what they will be eating today or certainly what they were eating yesterday.
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